Dave Rolsky
2006-08-21 08:42:28 UTC
It's been over six years since I first started working on Alzabo (probably
close to seven, all told), and to tell the truth I'm a little sick of it
I'm still proud of it, since it has served me well on many projects, but
it also has a lot of problems, many of which are rather intractable,
unless I want to destroy backwards compatibility.
I'm starting to work on something which will do the things I like best
about Alzabo, which is mostly the ability to generate very complex queries
through the use of Perl data structures, rather than string manipulation.
For now, I'm calling this thing "Q" (for Query), but I'm going to change
the name before it goes to CPAN, obviously (I like it, but a
single-character top-level namespace seems a bit presumptuous ;)
The work-in-progress can be seen in my personal SVN repo at
https://svn.urth.org/svn/Q/trunk for those who are interested in following
I'd also like to get feedback from people who have used Alzabo, are using,
or who looked at it and chose something else. Things I'm interested in
* What you love about Alzabo.
* What you hate about Alzabo.
* What problems you had getting it do X.
* I stopped using Alzabo because of X.
* I chose something else because of X.
For this last one, if you chose something else because you prefer
something that makes classes more primary (like Class::DBI/DBIx::Class),
then please don't respond. I know that some people like that sort of
thing, but it was never my goal to support that way of working
with Alzabo, and I won't be changing that with Q.
After my sig you can read the current pod for Q, which outlines many of
Alzabo's problems (from my perspective), and some of my goals for Q.
If anyone wants to become a co-maintainer of Alzabo, that'd be great. I
don't plan on letting it rot, becauseïI still use it for many projects. I
probably won't be doing any _major_ new development on it, or trying to
fix bugs that require major design changes. If you'd like to do either of
these things, I'd be happy to help you.
VegGuide.Org www.BookIRead.com
Your guide to all that's veg. My book blog
The goal of this module is to provide a (relatively) simple, flexible
way to *dynamically* generate SQL queries from Perl. The emphasis here
is on dynamic, and by that I mean that the structure of the SQL query
may change dynamically.
This is different from simply changing the parameters of a query
dynamically. For example:
SELECT user_id FROM User where username = ?
While this is a dynamic query in the sense that the username is
parameter-ized, and may change on each invocation, it is still easily
handled by a phrasebook class. If that is all you need, I suggest
checking out "Class::Phrasebook::SQL", "Data::Phrasebook", and
"SQL::Library" on CPAN.
Why Not Use a Phrasebook?
Let's assume we have a simple User table with the following columns:
Limiting ourselves to queries of equality ("username = ?"), we would
still need 32 (1 + 5 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1) entries to handle all the
possible combinations. Now imagine adding in variants like allowing for
wildcard searches using LIKE or regexes, or more complex variants
involving an "OR" in a subclause.
This gets even more complicated if you start adding in joins, outer
joins, and so on. It's plain to see that a phrasebook gets too large to
be usable at this point, and you'd probably have to write a program just
to generate the phrasebook and keep it up to date at this point!
Why Not String Manipulation?
The first solution that might come to mind is to dump the phrasebook in
favor of string manipulation. This is simple enough at first, but
quickly gets ugly. Handling all of the possible options correctly
requires lots of fiddly code that has to concatenate bits of SQL in the
correct order.
The Solution
Hopefully, this module provides a solution to this problem. It allows
you to specify queries in the form of *Perl data structures*. It
provides a set of objects to represent specific parts of a schema,
specifically tables, columns, and foreign keys. Using these objects you
can easily generate very complex queries by combining them with strings
and passing them to the appropriate query-generating method.
I also hope that this module can be used as a building block to build
other tools. A good example would be a tool for generating DDL
statements (like Alzabo ;).
This module comes from my experience writing and using Alzabo. Alzabo
does everything this module does, and a lot more. The fact that Alzabo
does so many things has become a bit problematic in its maintenance, and
Alzabo is over 6 years old at this time (August of 2006).
Problems with Alzabo
Here are some of the problems I've had with Alzabo over the years:
* Adding support for a new RDBMS is a lot of work, so it only supports
MySQL and Pg. Alzabo tried to be really smart about preventing users
from shooting themselves in the foot, and required a lot of specific
code for each DBMS to achieve this.
* It doesn't support multiple versions of a DBMS very well. Either it
doesn't work with an older version at all, or it doesn't support
some enhanced capability of a newer version.
On a side note, if DBMS's were to provide a standard API for asking
questions about their DDL syntax and vcapabilities like "what is the
max number of chars in a column name?" or "what data are the names
of each data type?" that would have made things infinitely easier.
* There are now free GUI design tools for specific databases that do a
better job of supporting the database in question.
* Alzabo separates its classes into Create (for generation of DDL) and
Runtime (for DML) subclasses, which might have been worth the memory
savings six years ago, but just makes for an extra hassle now.
* When I originally developed Alzabo, I thought that generating OO
classes that subclasses the Alzabo classes and added "business
logic" methods was a good idea, thus "Alzabo::MethodMaker".
Nowadays, I prefer to have my business logic classes simple use the
Alzabo classes. In other words, I now prefer "has-a" versus "is-a"
object design for this case.
Method auto-generation based on a specific schema can be quite
handy, but it should be done in the domain-specific classes, not as
a subclass of the core functionality.
* Storing schemas in an Alzabo-specific format is problematic for many
obvious reasons. It's simpler to simply get the schema definition
from an existing schema, or to allow users to define it in code.
* Alzabo's referential integrity checking was really cool back when I
mostly used MySQL with MYISAM tables, but is a burden nowadays.
* I didn't catch the testing bug until quite a while after I'd started
working on Alzabo. Alzabo's test suite is nasty. Q will be built for
testability, and I'll make sure that high test coverage is part of
my ongoing goals.
* Alzabo does too many things, which makes it hard to explain and
Overall, rather than coming up with a very smart solution that allows us
to use 80% of a DBMS's functionality, I'd rather come up with a 100%
solution that's dumber. It's easy to add smarts on top of a dumb layer,
but it can be terribly hard to add that last 20% once you've got
something really smart.
A good example of this is Alzabo's support of database functions like
"AVG" or "SUM". It supports them in a very clever way, but adding
support for a new function can be a pain, especially if it has odd
The goals for Q, based on my experience with Alzabo, are the following:
* Provide a simple way to generate queries dynamically. I really like
the way this works with Alzabo, except that Alzabo is not as
flexible as I'd like.
Specifically, I want to be able to issue updates and deletes to more
than one row at a time. I want support for sub-selects, unions, etc.
and all that other good stuff.
* I want complex query creation to requires less fiddliness than
Alzabo. This means that class to represent queries will be a little
smarter and more flexible about the order in which bits are added.
For example, in using Alzabo I often come across cases where I want
to add a table to a query's join *if it hasn't already been added*.
Right now there's no nice simple way to do this. Specifying the
table twice will cause an error. It would be nice to simply be able
to do this:
$query->join( $foo_table => $bar_table )
unless $query->join_includes($bar_table);
* Provide the base for a tool that does what the
"Alzabo::Runtime::Row" class does. There will be a separate tool
that takes query results and turns them into low-level "row" objects
instead of returning them as DBI statement handles.
This tool will support something like Alzabo's "potential" rows,
which are objects that have the same API as these row objects, but
do not represent data in the DBMS.
Finally, it will have support the same type of simple "unique row
cache" that Alzabo provides. This type of dirt-simple caching has
proven to be a big win in many applications I've written.
This module is based on many years of using and maintaining "Alzabo",
which is a much more ambitious project. There are modules similar to
this one on CPAN:
* SQL::Abstract
close to seven, all told), and to tell the truth I'm a little sick of it
I'm still proud of it, since it has served me well on many projects, but
it also has a lot of problems, many of which are rather intractable,
unless I want to destroy backwards compatibility.
I'm starting to work on something which will do the things I like best
about Alzabo, which is mostly the ability to generate very complex queries
through the use of Perl data structures, rather than string manipulation.
For now, I'm calling this thing "Q" (for Query), but I'm going to change
the name before it goes to CPAN, obviously (I like it, but a
single-character top-level namespace seems a bit presumptuous ;)
The work-in-progress can be seen in my personal SVN repo at
https://svn.urth.org/svn/Q/trunk for those who are interested in following
I'd also like to get feedback from people who have used Alzabo, are using,
or who looked at it and chose something else. Things I'm interested in
* What you love about Alzabo.
* What you hate about Alzabo.
* What problems you had getting it do X.
* I stopped using Alzabo because of X.
* I chose something else because of X.
For this last one, if you chose something else because you prefer
something that makes classes more primary (like Class::DBI/DBIx::Class),
then please don't respond. I know that some people like that sort of
thing, but it was never my goal to support that way of working
with Alzabo, and I won't be changing that with Q.
After my sig you can read the current pod for Q, which outlines many of
Alzabo's problems (from my perspective), and some of my goals for Q.
If anyone wants to become a co-maintainer of Alzabo, that'd be great. I
don't plan on letting it rot, becauseïI still use it for many projects. I
probably won't be doing any _major_ new development on it, or trying to
fix bugs that require major design changes. If you'd like to do either of
these things, I'd be happy to help you.
VegGuide.Org www.BookIRead.com
Your guide to all that's veg. My book blog
The goal of this module is to provide a (relatively) simple, flexible
way to *dynamically* generate SQL queries from Perl. The emphasis here
is on dynamic, and by that I mean that the structure of the SQL query
may change dynamically.
This is different from simply changing the parameters of a query
dynamically. For example:
SELECT user_id FROM User where username = ?
While this is a dynamic query in the sense that the username is
parameter-ized, and may change on each invocation, it is still easily
handled by a phrasebook class. If that is all you need, I suggest
checking out "Class::Phrasebook::SQL", "Data::Phrasebook", and
"SQL::Library" on CPAN.
Why Not Use a Phrasebook?
Let's assume we have a simple User table with the following columns:
Limiting ourselves to queries of equality ("username = ?"), we would
still need 32 (1 + 5 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1) entries to handle all the
possible combinations. Now imagine adding in variants like allowing for
wildcard searches using LIKE or regexes, or more complex variants
involving an "OR" in a subclause.
This gets even more complicated if you start adding in joins, outer
joins, and so on. It's plain to see that a phrasebook gets too large to
be usable at this point, and you'd probably have to write a program just
to generate the phrasebook and keep it up to date at this point!
Why Not String Manipulation?
The first solution that might come to mind is to dump the phrasebook in
favor of string manipulation. This is simple enough at first, but
quickly gets ugly. Handling all of the possible options correctly
requires lots of fiddly code that has to concatenate bits of SQL in the
correct order.
The Solution
Hopefully, this module provides a solution to this problem. It allows
you to specify queries in the form of *Perl data structures*. It
provides a set of objects to represent specific parts of a schema,
specifically tables, columns, and foreign keys. Using these objects you
can easily generate very complex queries by combining them with strings
and passing them to the appropriate query-generating method.
I also hope that this module can be used as a building block to build
other tools. A good example would be a tool for generating DDL
statements (like Alzabo ;).
This module comes from my experience writing and using Alzabo. Alzabo
does everything this module does, and a lot more. The fact that Alzabo
does so many things has become a bit problematic in its maintenance, and
Alzabo is over 6 years old at this time (August of 2006).
Problems with Alzabo
Here are some of the problems I've had with Alzabo over the years:
* Adding support for a new RDBMS is a lot of work, so it only supports
MySQL and Pg. Alzabo tried to be really smart about preventing users
from shooting themselves in the foot, and required a lot of specific
code for each DBMS to achieve this.
* It doesn't support multiple versions of a DBMS very well. Either it
doesn't work with an older version at all, or it doesn't support
some enhanced capability of a newer version.
On a side note, if DBMS's were to provide a standard API for asking
questions about their DDL syntax and vcapabilities like "what is the
max number of chars in a column name?" or "what data are the names
of each data type?" that would have made things infinitely easier.
* There are now free GUI design tools for specific databases that do a
better job of supporting the database in question.
* Alzabo separates its classes into Create (for generation of DDL) and
Runtime (for DML) subclasses, which might have been worth the memory
savings six years ago, but just makes for an extra hassle now.
* When I originally developed Alzabo, I thought that generating OO
classes that subclasses the Alzabo classes and added "business
logic" methods was a good idea, thus "Alzabo::MethodMaker".
Nowadays, I prefer to have my business logic classes simple use the
Alzabo classes. In other words, I now prefer "has-a" versus "is-a"
object design for this case.
Method auto-generation based on a specific schema can be quite
handy, but it should be done in the domain-specific classes, not as
a subclass of the core functionality.
* Storing schemas in an Alzabo-specific format is problematic for many
obvious reasons. It's simpler to simply get the schema definition
from an existing schema, or to allow users to define it in code.
* Alzabo's referential integrity checking was really cool back when I
mostly used MySQL with MYISAM tables, but is a burden nowadays.
* I didn't catch the testing bug until quite a while after I'd started
working on Alzabo. Alzabo's test suite is nasty. Q will be built for
testability, and I'll make sure that high test coverage is part of
my ongoing goals.
* Alzabo does too many things, which makes it hard to explain and
Overall, rather than coming up with a very smart solution that allows us
to use 80% of a DBMS's functionality, I'd rather come up with a 100%
solution that's dumber. It's easy to add smarts on top of a dumb layer,
but it can be terribly hard to add that last 20% once you've got
something really smart.
A good example of this is Alzabo's support of database functions like
"AVG" or "SUM". It supports them in a very clever way, but adding
support for a new function can be a pain, especially if it has odd
The goals for Q, based on my experience with Alzabo, are the following:
* Provide a simple way to generate queries dynamically. I really like
the way this works with Alzabo, except that Alzabo is not as
flexible as I'd like.
Specifically, I want to be able to issue updates and deletes to more
than one row at a time. I want support for sub-selects, unions, etc.
and all that other good stuff.
* I want complex query creation to requires less fiddliness than
Alzabo. This means that class to represent queries will be a little
smarter and more flexible about the order in which bits are added.
For example, in using Alzabo I often come across cases where I want
to add a table to a query's join *if it hasn't already been added*.
Right now there's no nice simple way to do this. Specifying the
table twice will cause an error. It would be nice to simply be able
to do this:
$query->join( $foo_table => $bar_table )
unless $query->join_includes($bar_table);
* Provide the base for a tool that does what the
"Alzabo::Runtime::Row" class does. There will be a separate tool
that takes query results and turns them into low-level "row" objects
instead of returning them as DBI statement handles.
This tool will support something like Alzabo's "potential" rows,
which are objects that have the same API as these row objects, but
do not represent data in the DBMS.
Finally, it will have support the same type of simple "unique row
cache" that Alzabo provides. This type of dirt-simple caching has
proven to be a big win in many applications I've written.
This module is based on many years of using and maintaining "Alzabo",
which is a much more ambitious project. There are modules similar to
this one on CPAN:
* SQL::Abstract